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Staples & Pfeiffer Simplex Strainer

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Commercial and Military Simplex Strainers are used for removal of debris from liquid flow to protect the downstream mechanical equipment. Model 135B S&P strainers employ a single, stationary screen to remove solids as they flow through the screen. Cleaning of the Model 135B is accomplished by removing the screen while the system is NOT under pressure.

Military simplex basket strainers are designed for an open area straining ratio of at least 6:1, which means less operating costs to clean the baskets. The heavy-duty wall thickness offers lower life cycle costs.


Sizes 1/2″-24″ NPS (Custom sizes Avail.)
Operating Pressure 150-300 psig
Operating Temperatures Up to 1000°F
Materials Bronze ASTM B61, Aluminum Bronze ASTM C958, Steel ASTM 216, Stainless Steel ASTM A351, Other Alloys
Screen Material Bronze, Monel, 316 SS (specify Perf. and/or Mesh)
MIL-Specs MIL-S-16293
Class/Flanges ANSI/ASME 150# & 300#, Navy MIL-F-20042D, DIN
Connection Types Flanged, Socket Weld, Butt Weld, Sil-brazed

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